New Features

Advanced Reports available in platform via Looker 

Chronicle SOAR customers on GCP can now access Advanced Reports in the Reports module. Advanced Reports allows more advanced calculations and provides access to more data.

This feature comes with a default folder of predefined Advanced Reports for Admins.
Currently, only the following two default Reports are supported:

  • Alerts and Entities Report
  • TIER Performance

For information on the default Advanced Reports, please click here.

You can also create new reports in the platform using Looker functionality and share with Editors and View Only Users (in the next release other types of users will also be included)

For full information on Advanced Reports, please click here.

Bug Fixes

  • Playbooks: message to assignee placeholders not working for some steps
  • ID column in Search tab too narrow and can't be resized (ID #00163384)
  • When mentioning a (deleted) user in a case wall a strange error message displays. In addition, user is not getting notifications (ID #00164378)
  • Playbook block incorrectly showing as terminated if it contains a Close Case action. (ID #11927)