Note: This feature only supports Custom Actions created in the IDE

Async Actions can have individual timeouts configured in the IDE and afterwards managed in the Playbook Action step.

Let's take a quick look at how to configure this:

  1. In the Chronicle SOAR platform, navigate to the IDE.
  2.  Click on the plus sign to create a new action. Fill out the details. select Async in the dropdown and click Create.
  3. In the right side of the screen, you will see various timeouts to fill out:
    * Script Timeout: the amount of time for a single iteration of the action to run to get a result (20 minutes is the maximum)
    * Async Polling Interval: the amount of time the action waits before trying again
    * Async Action Timeout: the amount of time until the action should stop running altogether
    Note that you can also add individual parameters here.
  4. Make sure to enable the Action and click Save.
  5. Navigate to the Playbooks tab. Select an existing Playbook or create a new one and drag your new action in. 
  6. Click on the action. You will see the Async Action Timeout and Async Polling Interval fields displayed here with the amounts you configured in the IDE.

    Note that you can change the amounts here in the Playbook step itself. This means you can change each individual Playbook step with different amounts for the same action. (If after this, you make further changes in the IDE they will not be reflected in this action)