How do I put elements of the case data into an email message?
This is done by using the Placeholders in the Playbook Actions. Placeholders
are expressions that reference fields on events, alerts, cases entities and
other elements. Placeholders will hold a place for the data that will be
extracted when the action actually runs.
To use a placeholder, click on the “< >” button inside a
text field (e.g. the message field in a “Send Email” action) and
select the content you would like to extract when the action runs.
You can string several placeholders in a row to create
richer content.
Notice that a placeholder will always begin and end with
a square bracket. Inside those brackets will always be the path of the
required content. For example: The [Alert.Name] placeholder will check the
alert name and put in the message before sending the email.
Remember that Placeholders can be used in email templates, allowing you to
set a template once, with all the required placeholders and use it when needed
(Setting > Environments > Email Templates).